Sunday, April 22, 2012

rush rush... queue in buying avida homes in nuvali !!!

it is just so amazing to be in Nuvali. from morning til night,
you will not run out of family activities.
as you take your bite of your favorite food in your favorite restaurant, think how convenient life will be if you also have a spot in our residential communities here in NUVALI.

the amenities and events you have seen  
is just the beginning of a series of more breathtaking events
that will take place here in Nuvali. hurry, grab your spot now.

look at the chart below,
see how AYALA turned communities into pot of golds.
be wise with your invesments,
be it primary or secondary home, buy here in Nuvali
because this is the MASTER PLAN of the MASTER PLANNER.

Now is the time to pick your spot in Nuvali.
Buy your Avida Home now before it is too late.....
we are running out of inventories now.

For sales inquiries & sample computations, please contact:
Vicky Tam Lin
0918 277 5452

visit my website:
follow me in twitter:!/NuvaliAvidaHome
like my page in facebook:
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