Saturday, April 14, 2012

early morning in NUVALI

got up early today so i can enjoy the morning walk along NUVALI's lake. i really felt great seeing joggers, bikers, walkers passed by me. i cannot help but smile, and got back that familiar sweet smile. there was just no reason not to be friendly, the whole atmosphere in NUVALI is.

gosh, i really want to live in NUVALI. if only i have the opportunity, i will buy for my family a Jasmin House in Ridgeview Estates Nuvali. with Jasmin House, i will be able to have a perfect backyard, a greenway right outside my back door. what a life to look forward to at Ridgeview Estates NUVALI....
hmmmm i love you NUVALI, and i thank you AYALA Land for developing NUVALI.

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